Transforming Your Organization the Simple Way
July 22, 2020
Here is a webinar I captured this morning - Transforming Your Organization the Simple Way. It’s pretty darn great. The actual webinar is about 30 min (+ Q&A).
- How we fall into a transformation trap
- How we proprietarize common-sense
- How to drive simple org transformations
- How to determine if we really need a transformation
(Matt LeMay video)
What resonated with me is the idea of making proprietary that which is common sense. Agile, Scrum, Lean, SAFe, Six Sigma, Design Thinking, the list is endless. Is there really a secret sauce, or do they boil down to similar common sense principles? What if we just asked questions like…
- Does everyone in the org have access to the customer?
- How do we plan for uncertainty?
- Do we collaborate across the org?
Makes it less daunting too!